Tuesday, December 31, 2024

January - February 2025


Administrator’s Notes

 by Ralph Gibson, Museums Administrator

 Although the weather threatened wash out our Holiday programs, the cold rain held off long enough to still attract over 200 people to S’mores and Stories and nearly 600 total for both nights of Country Christmas at the Courthouse. All in all, 2024 was a pretty successful year and we look forward to 2025. The year begins with our Gold Rush Program in January and as it wraps up in February, we kickoff Spring Living History at the Bernhard and Fruitvale Schoolhouse Museums.

Our Exhibit Team will be working on a few different exhibits in 2025. More details on those will come in the next issue of The Placer.

This year will likely be my last with the Placer County Museums as I am planning to retire. There are some details to work out that may push my exit to early 2026, but for now it’s looking like my last day in the office will be in early October of 2025. I’ll reflect more about my time here in coming articles, but just wanted to address the rumors that have been swirling.

I hope all of you have a terrific 2025!

S’mores and Stories event at the Bernhard Museum

New Donation Highlight

 by Kasia Woroniecka , Curator of Collections

This colorful sew-on ski patch dates to the 1960s and the development of the Homewood Mountain Resort, a 1260-acre ski area on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe. The area initially attracted miners, but logging became more profitable, and Homewood began to develop in the late 1800s with the establishment of a post office, hotel, and marina.

Embroidered patches have been used for centuries, initially serving practical purposes such as covering worn-out clothing and identifying military personnel, to becoming a versatile fashion statement.


Sarah Halsey, Maggie McClure, Alice Abeel, and unknown woman; Isaac Tibbetts Coffin Diary, 1870-1885. Golden Drift Historical Society Collection, Placer County Museums.

Almost one year ago exactly the I.T. Coffin Diaries, part of the Golden Drift Historical Society Collection, were accepted into the California Revealed Digitization & Preservation Assistance Program. I am excited to share that the digital images are now available on the California Revealed website! These two diaries will now be preserved and available for research to people all over the world.

To celebrate the availability of these diaries, I took a closer look at a photograph found in the 1870-1885 volume, an image of four young women posed together. Three of the women are identified as Maggie McClure, Sarah Halsey, and Alice Abeel. The fourth woman, unfortunately, remains nameless. I discovered that the three women identified had something in common- all were born in New York state to families that would later make the arduous journey to California, and that shortly after this photograph was taken, their lives would become intertwined forever.

Miss M. McClure (Maggie); Isaac Tibbetts Coffin Diary, 1870-1885. Golden Drift Historical Society Collection, Placer County Museums.

Margaret “Maggie” McClure was born in New York in 1838, the daughter of Hannah (Tuthill) McClure and Col. William McClure. Her father settled in Yankee Jims in 1851 and is credited with introducing hydraulic mining to the area as well as the region’s first orchards. Maggie, her mother, and her brothers joined him sometime between 1856 and 1857. Because of her father’s political activity and connections, the family regularly hosted politicians in their Yankee Jims home. Maggie became known as the “Belle of the Divide,” and was admired for her beauty and charm. She served as hostess at Governor John B. Weller’s 1858 inauguration and attended balls for Governor Milton S. Latham and Leland Stanford.  At age 90 she was interviewed about her memories of the balls, describing them as a joyful escape for a "lonely mountain girl." After the death of Col. William McClure in 1871, the family moved to Dutch Flat, where Maggie’s brother Elias Lowe McClure operated the Telegraph and Express Office. Maggie and her mother would later move to Auburn in 1872. Maggie never married and later lived in San Francisco and Oakland. She passed away in 1933 at the age of 95.

Sarah Halsey (top) and E.L. McClure (bottom); Isaac Tibbetts Coffin Diary, 1870-1885. Golden Drift Historical Society Collection, Placer County Museums.

Born in 1852, Sarah Louise Halsey arrived in California with her family in the 1860s, where her father Stephen Y. Halsey worked as a blacksmith and miner. By 1870, the Halsey family had settled in Dutch Flat, where Sarah’s older brother co-owned a photography studio with I.T. Coffin. Coffin’s diary notes that in January of 1871, Sarah was sent to the Santa Clara School for Young Ladies. However, she returned to marry Maggie McClure’s younger brother, Elias Lowe McClure, on June 19, 1872. The couple stayed in Dutch Flat at least until 1880, and they later lived in Sacramento, San Francisco, and Alameda. It appears that the couple did not have any children, and Sarah passed away in 1924 at the age of 71.

Alice Abeel (top ) and B. McClure (bottom); Isaac Tibbetts Coffin Diary, 1870-1885. Golden Drift Historical Society Collection, Placer County Museums.


Alice Abeel was born in 1851 to parents Mary A. Abeel and Jacob H. Abeel. The family traveled to California via Cape Horn in 1863 and settled in Dutch Flat, where her father worked as a miner and Alice attend school in Nevada City. On December 2, 1872, she married Bernard “Barney” H. McClure, another younger brother of Maggie McClure. Barney and Alice McClure remained in Dutch Flat until about 1878 when they moved to Virginia City, Nevada. The couple would have three children and lived in Nevada for over 50 years, where Barney worked for the railroad. Alice McClure died in 1926 in Auburn, at the age of 75.

The fact that Coffin labeled this photograph with the women’s unmarried names, it is likely that it was taken between 1870- early 1872. Did the women know at the time of the photograph that they would be sisters-in-law? Or is this just an image of a group of friends, not yet knowing how their lives would be connected? Those questions can likely never be answered, but this photograph shows just an example of the exciting research possibilities that this digitized diary represents.
See the diaries and other digitized materials at: https://californiarevealed.org/partner/placer-county-museums-division.

Volunteer Spotlight

by Kasia Woroniecka, Curator of Collections

Bev Call has been a museum volunteer since 2017, generously sharing her time at the Placer County Museum, the Bernhard Museum, and occasionally lending a hand at the Gold Rush Museum. With a master’s degree in education with emphasis on special education, Bev has taught students of all ages—from the tiniest preschoolers to university students. Her life journey has taken her around the globe, with time in Egypt and China, where she taught English at the Ocean University and the Quingdao University in Quingdao.

A mother of four and grandmother to eight, Bev is a woman of many talents. Her passions range from remodeling and carpentry to gardening, and she’s even embarking on a new journey to master the piano.

What Bev enjoys most about volunteering is the learning atmosphere and the infectious curiosity of the museum visitors who inspire her. She values the flexibility that volunteering provides, as well as the opportunity to connect with others who share her passion for exploration and discovery.

Photo Collection Highlight

Bert Cassidy awarding Jack Sanders at the National Ski Tournament at  Lake Tahoe. 1932.

PCM, 20th District Fair Time Capsule Collection.

Bert Cassidy was the publisher and editor of the Auburn Journal, California Senator and one of the first men to promote the High Sierra country as a winter sports area.

The Rocklin Historical Society

 Placer County Historical Society  

Dinner Meeting

When: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Meeting at 6:00, Dinner at 6:15, Speaker at 6:45

Hal Hall and Bob Crowley—History Expeditions

Location: Veterans Memorial Hall Dinner cost: $30.00.

100 East Street, Auburn, CA Speaker presentation: Free
Please RSVP to rsvp.pchs@gmail.com 

Please go to www.placercountyhistoricalsociety.org for more information

Placer County Historical Organizations

Colfax Area Historical Society 
Jay McIntyre, President, (530) 346-8599

Donner Summit Historical Society
Bill Oudegeest, (209) 606-6859

Foresthill Divide Historical Society
Annie DeMaria-Norris (916) 206-4479 foresthillhistory.org
Fruitvale School Hall 
Community Association 
Mark Fowler

Golden Drift Historical Society
Sarah Fugate, (530) 389-2121

Historical Advisory Board
Glenn Vineyard, (916) 747-1961

Joss House Museum and 
Chinese History Center
Larry Finney, (530) 305-9380

Lincoln Area Archives Museum
Elizabeth Jansen, (916) 645-3800

Lincoln Highway Association 
Trey Pitsenberger

Loomis Basin Historical Society
Karen Clifford, (916) 663-3871

Maidu Museum & Historic Site
Kaitlin Kincade, (916) 774-5934

The Museum of Sierra Ski History and 1960 Winter Olympics 
David C. Antonucci, (775) 722-3502 

Native Sons of the Golden West 
Parlor #59
Dave Allen, (530) 878-2878 dsallen59@sbcglobal.net

Newcastle Portuguese Hall 
Mario Farinha, (530) 269-2412 

North Lake Tahoe Historical Society
Phil Sexton, (530) 583-1762

Placer County Genealogical Society 
Diane Fishburn

Placer County Historical Society
April McDonald-Loomis
(530) 823-2128

Placer County Museums Docent Guild
Craig Norris

Placer Sierra Railroad Heritage Society  
Chuck Spinks

Rocklin Historical Society
Gloria Beverage (916) 624-3464

Roseville Historical Society
Denise Fiddyment, (916) 773-3003


Please confirm all meeting times and locations with each organization

Foresthill Divide Historical Society Meeting: Monday, January 20th at 6:00 p.m.
Golden Drift Historical Society Meeting: Monday, February  3rd at 7:00 p.m.
Historical Advisory Board Meeting:            Wednesday, February 19th at 5:30 p.m.
Loomis Basin Historical Society Meeting: Wednesday, January 15th at 6:00 p.m. 
Placer County Historical Society Meeting: Thursday, January  2nd at 2:00 p.m.
Placer Sierra Railroad Heritage Society: Tuesday, January 28th at 7:00 p.m.
Rocklin Historical Society Meeting: Tuesday, January 12th at  6:30 p.m.
Roseville Historical Society Meeting: Tuesday, January 14th at 4:00 p.m. 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

November-December 2024


Administrator’s Notes

 by Ralph Gibson, Museums Administrator


When the final trick-or-treater wanders from our door back into the darkness of Halloween, my attention turns to the Holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.

As before, our plan is to have our museums decorated for the season by the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which means a lot of our museums will start looking like Christmas in mid-November. It takes weeks to get all the decorations up in the five museums we decorate, so that means a few “But it’s not even Thanksgiving yet!” Grinches, will just have to endure. 

It’s a wonderful time of year and I can’t wait! The Bernhard will be decorated for Victorian Christmas; we’ll have Christmas at the Courthouse in the Treasury of the Placer County Museum; a Welsh Christmas at the Griffith Quarry Museum; a touch of Gold Rush Christmas at the Gold Rush Museum; and Christmas on the Home Front at the DeWitt History Museum.

As year’s past, we will also host S’mores & Stories at the Bernhard Museum on December 13th from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We’ll have storytelling on the porch, Ukulele Music with Auburn String Jam, walk-thru tours of the Bernhard House and, of course, s’mores around one of three campfire pits.

The Placer County Museum in the historic Courthouse will also take part in each night of Old Town’s Country Christmas event on December 14th and 21st also from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Mrs. Claus will read stories to children in the Treasury, we’ll have a craft station for kids and free cookies and hot apple cider! Admission to all of our museums and these great programs is always FREE! So please, come by and see us during the Holidays!


New Donation Highlight

by Kasia Woroniecka , Curator of Collections

This fan dates to about  1910-1930. For centuries fans served as a practical and convenient means of keeping cool. Like many functional items, their designs evolved creatively, especially during the Victorian era. At that time, fashion dictated that every woman own a fan, leading to a wide range of options—from inexpensive printed souvenirs sold by street vendors to exquisite hand-painted pieces crafted from mother of pearl and embellished with gold and precious jewels. It is through donations like these that we can continue to bring history to life for our visitors. 

If you have items with Placer County history that you are interested in donating, please contact the Curator of Collections, Kasia Woroniecka (kworonie@placer.ca.gov) or the Curator of Archives, Kelsey Monahan (kmonahan@placer.ca.gov) to find out how. 

Savoring History: Holiday Recipe Ideas from the Dutch Flat’s Ladies Aid Society

by Kelsey Monahan, Curator of Archives


 As we approach another holiday season I’m sure many of us are getting out our recipe books and planning out our holiday meals. One of my favorite cookbooks in our collection comes from the Dutch Flat Ladies Aid Society, founded in 1933 as a “helping hand” organization for the Methodist Episcopal Church and community of Dutch Flat. In addition to raising funds to support church repairs, they also donated to charities and made Christmas gifts and food baskets for families in need. The Dutch Flat Ladies Aid Society building is now the home of the Golden Drift Museum.

The 1964 cookbook “Delicious Diggins” published by the Society includes over 300 recipes inspired by the group’s bake sales, potlucks, dinners, and annual barbecue. When it was first published the cookbook cost $2 and the first edition sold out in 20 days. 

Consider this fall making the “Old Hotel Plum Pudding” once served at the Dutch Flat Hotel.

 Feeling adventurous? Try the “Holiday Molded Seafood Salad,” and let me know how it is!


Volunteer Spotlight

  by Kelsey Monahan, Curator of Archives


This month the Archive and Research Center celebrates a huge milestone: volunteer Joyce Panciera has completed scanning over 5,000 negatives from the Auburn Journal Collection! Thanks to her hard work and dedication this collection of images from the 1950s and early 1960s is now accessible and discoverable! Joyce has been part of the archive team since 2015, so we sat down to talk about her time here. I also asked her to share what some of her favorite images were.

What do you like about volunteering at the Archives? “I like being involved with history and being assigned different projects in the Archives. I’ve also organized the maps, conducted Oral History interviews, and compiled research about the DeWitt Military Hospital.”

What have you liked about working with the Auburn Journal negatives? “It’s been wonderful to see all of the different types of activities that would happen and how well they were documented by the paper. I also like seeing pictures of people I remember, like Bill Cassidy that ran the Auburn Journal. Even though the photos only go back to the 1950s you can also really see how the buildings have changed.”
What is a fun fact about you? “I have a passion for woodworking and tile working. I like to decorate my home with tiles that were gifted to me by my patients during my career as a home health nurse for 30 years.”

Thank you Joyce for all of your hard work!


June Tollefson operating a perforating machine, published on March 30, 1961. Joyce contacted members of the community to track down the type of machine being used!


Old Auburn Cemetery Tour

 by Katy Bartosh, Curator of  Education

 A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Murder, Mayhem and Mystery Tour at the Old Auburn Cemetery a success! We were thrilled to welcome nearly 700 visitors who were captivated by the chilling tales of Rattlesnake Dick, Alma Bell, Elmer Gum, Frank “Big Dip” Dependener, and many more intriguing characters. Your contributions brought these haunting stories to life!

    Karen Chesney, Carol Cramer and Bev Cal

 Rebecca Hemphill and Karen Allen

  Gary Koolhof and Heather Watkins-Koolhof.

Volunteer Appreciation Movie Event

by Bryanna Ryan, Supervising Curator


Over 80,000 visitors came to our Placer County Museums in 2023, and the numbers keep growing! From busy school programs to seasonal events, tours, and open museum hours – it is exceptional volunteers who make all the difference. Last year, our volunteers donated over 12,000 hours of their time to promote local history and enrich our communities. We are so grateful to be a part of your lives and share in the joy that comes in exploring what makes this region so special. As a small token of our gratitude, we hold an annual “Volunteer Appreciation Movie Day.” On Monday, October 21st we celebrated the day at the Roseville Veteran’s Memorial Hall with a showing of the 1996 film, Phenomenon which was mainly filmed in Auburn. It was our pleasure to see so many friendly faces this year and we look forward to the next one!

Upcoming Events

Placer County Historical Society  

Dinner Meeting

When: Thursday, December 5, 2024
Meeting at 6:00, Dinner at 6:15, Speaker at 6:45

Speaker: Frank Nissen

Location: Veterans Memorial Hall Dinner cost: $30.00.

100 East Street, Auburn, CA Speaker presentation: Free
Please RSVP to rsvp.pchs@gmail.com 

Please go to www.placercountyhistoricalsociety.org for more information

Placer County Historical Organizations

Colfax Area Historical Society
Jay McIntyre, President, (530) 346-8599

Donner Summit Historical Society
Bill Oudegeest, (209) 606-6859

Foresthill Divide Historical Society
Annie DeMaria-Norris (916) 206-4479 foresthillhistory.org
Fruitvale School Hall
Community Association
Mark Fowler

Golden Drift Historical Society
Sarah Fugate, (530) 389-2121

Historical Advisory Board
Glenn Vineyard, (916) 747-1961

Joss House Museum and
Chinese History Center
Larry Finney, (530) 305-9380

Lincoln Area Archives Museum
Elizabeth Jansen, (916) 645-3800

Lincoln Highway Association
Trey Pitsenberger

Loomis Basin Historical Society
Karen Clifford, (916) 663-3871

Maidu Museum & Historic Site
Kaitlin Kincade, (916) 774-5934

The Museum of Sierra Ski History and 1960 Winter Olympics
David C. Antonucci, (775) 722-3502

Native Sons of the Golden West
Parlor #59
Dave Allen, (530) 878-2878 dsallen59@sbcglobal.net

Newcastle Portuguese Hall
Mario Farinha, (530) 269-2412

North Lake Tahoe Historical Society
Phil Sexton, (530) 583-1762

Placer County Genealogical Society
Diane Fishburn

Placer County Historical Society
April McDonald-Loomis
(530) 823-2128

Placer County Museums Docent Guild
Craig Norris

Placer Sierra Railroad Heritage Society
Chuck Spinks

Rocklin Historical Society
Gloria Beverage (916) 624-3464

Roseville Historical Society
Denise Fiddyment, (916) 773-3003



Please confirm all meeting times and locations with each organization

Foresthill Divide Historical Society Meeting: Monday, November 18th at 6:00 p.m.

Golden Drift Historical Society Meeting: Monday, December 2th at 7:00 p.m.

Historical Advisory Board Meeting: Wednesday, December 18th at 5:30 p.m.
Loomis Basin Historical Society Meeting: Wednesday, November 20th at 6:00 p.m.
Placer County Historical Society Meeting: Thursday, November 7tha t 2:00 p.m.

Placer Sierra Railroad Heritage Society: Tuesday, November 26th at 7:00 p.m.

Rocklin Historical Society Meeting: Tuesday, November 12th at 6:30 p.m.

Roseville Historical Society Meeting: Tuesday, November 12th at 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

September-October 2024

 Administrator’s Notes

by Ralph Gibson, Museums Administrator

 As I write, the leaves have yet to turn, but I can feel fall around the corner. Kids are back in school; Halloween candy and decorations are in almost every store; and the scent of pumpkin spice is in the air. Summer heat be damned, my favorite season is on the way!

For us, fall means programs and we begin with the Old Auburn Cemetery Tour on Sunday, October 6th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. This tour is absolutely free and you need not call ahead, just show up before 1:00 pm to have a chance to see as many character’s from Placer County’s past as possible. 

We will also host the 3rd annual Fall Festival at the Fruitvale Schoolhouse Museum on Saturday, October 12th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. There will be crafts for kids; a students only Scarecrow contest where kids will bring homemade scarecrows to be judged; fun activities; and refreshments! This event is free! Also, our seasonal exhibit, A Grave Affair, opens in the Treasury of the Historic Courthouse around the middle of September with new additions you can lay your eyes on. 

For more information on either of these programs and to see the rules for the scarecrow contest, please visit our website (www.placer.ca.gov/museums). I hope all of you have a wonderful fall season and we hope to see you in one of our museums or at one of our programs!

Cemetery Tour and Placer County Museums volunteer Bill Gray will reprise his role as Deputy Sheriff “Big Dip” Dependener.

New Donation Highlight

by Kasia Woroniecka , Curator of Collections

This glass perfume bottle with silver overlay dates to about 1885-1920. This decorating technique was first limited to cane and parasol handles, but it became popular on bottles used for perfumes, toilet waters and colognes. 
19th century marked a turning point in perfume production. Innovations in chemistry led to the development of synthetic molecules, which not only made perfumes more accessible but also allowed for the creation of new and unique scents that had never been possible before. 
It is through donations like these that we can continue to bring history to life for our visitors. If you have items with Placer County history that you are interested in donating, please contact the Curator of Collections, Kasia Woroniecka (kworonie@placer.ca.gov) or the Curator of Archives, Kelsey Monahan (kmonahan@placer.ca.gov) to find out how. 

Game on: It’s Time for the Sacramento Archives Crawl!

by Kelsey Monahan, Curator of Archives

October is National Archives Month, which means it’s time to get geared up for the 2024 Sacramento Archives Crawl happening on Saturday, October 5, from 10am-4pm! 
Our theme this year is Pastimes Preserved: Sports and Leisure in the Archives, and the Placer County Archive and Research Center will be highlighting to the 1960 Winter Olympics held near Lake Tahoe. 

               Olympic Village hockey player statue. 1960 Winter Olympics. PCM Collection.

This annual event gives you the chance to explore four Sacramento archives: the Central Library, State Library, State Archives, and the Center for Sacramento History. Dozens of other local repositories will also be in attendance to show off the hidden treasures of their archives and special collections. With a free shuttle bus to take you between locations, it can’t be beat! For more details visit: https://sacarchivescrawl.blogspot.com/. 

               Skating rink at the 1960 Winter Olympics, February 1960. PCM Collection.  

IBM Olympic Data Processing Center. For the first time in Olympic history, IBM pioneered the use of electronic computers to tally results, replacing the manual method. Televising of events was also introduced a the 1960 Winter Olympics. PCM Collection

Restoring Dutch Flat’s Historic Chinese Cemetery

by Sarah Fugate

In 2019, the Golden Drift Historical Society set out to resurrect the Chinese history of Dutch Flat. That year and every year since, Chinese Americans have joined with us in this endeavor. Part of this involves restoration of the Dutch Flat Chinese Cemetery. In 2022, we began soliciting donations for the Chinese Ancestry Restoration Project, CARP. In early 2023, working with Placer County Parks and Grounds Department, the Dutch Flat Chinese Cemetery was cleared of large, downed trees and debris, enabling access to start our restoration project.

                                  Chinese procession in Dutch Flat. PCM Collection 

Our project began with identification of gravesites within the Cemetery. We contracted with Sierra Nevada GSI from Grass Valley to do this work. First, metal detectors were used, finding isolated square nails (used to affix identifying information to a wooden marker at burial.) These nails provided the first indication of grave locations. Then, ground penetrating radar (GPR) was used to confirm grave locations. Finally, global positioning (GPS), provided by Daria Snyder of Alta,  was used to create a digitized map of the grave locations. Approximately 300 gravesites were identified.
Once the location of gravesites was known a garden designer, Kate Bowers of Grass Valley, was chosen to develop a design for the public area of the Cemetery. Kate’s design includes a stone staircase to enter, gravel walkways, benches, and a brick funerary burner with flagstone surround. Placer County Parks and Grounds Department continued to work with us, grading and surfacing the entrance road, the public area to facilitate gathering, and installing temporary stairs. A native plant plan was produced by landscape designer, Lora Piscatelli of Dreamscapes in Alta.

                        Funerary burner in Dutch Flat Chinese Cemetery, July 2024

Funerary burners in Chinese Cemeteries serve as a fire-safe place for the ritualized burning of spiritual tributes. Paper and cardboard facsimiles of money, clothing, and other possessions are burned to supply the deceased in the afterlife.
Construction of the funerary burner began in early June, 2024 and its brickwork was completed before July 4th. Design and engineering of the roof structure for the burner has been done by Tom Fugate of Dutch Flat and manufacturing will be completed by Quality Metal Fabrication of Auburn in four to six weeks. Following installation of the roof structure, glazed roof tiles, donated by Gladding-McBean of Lincoln, will be installed by Richard Bushong Roofing of Auburn.

Docent Spotlight

Katy Bartosh, Curator of Education

I spoke with Laurie Meyerpeter, who volunteers at the Fruitvale Schoolhouse Museum and helps me with Living History. Why are you a docent? 

My favorite part are the people and their stories. I've met a world class ultra-marathoner who just ran the Western States Run (she had two young children and very sore feet).  I've learned how to pan for gold. I've eaten biscuits made by third graders. I've met people living in their cars and people who helped the people who were living in their cars. I've learned about geocaching from a couple of kids. I've met a champion button spinner (she's a third grader at an undisclosed Lincoln school). 
A fun fact about you? I’m passionate about plants, with a background in horticulture and fieldwork. As a master gardener and CNPS member, I've been growing plants since I was seven years old.  

                            Thank you for being such an amazing docent, Laurie!

Living History Volunteers Needed

Are you looking for a fun and enriching experience?
Do you want to share local history with the community?
Do you enjoy teaching children?
Help give local third-grade students hands-on experience learning about 19th century life.

Sign up with Placer County Museums and become a Living History Volunteer today!
Please call: 530-889-6500  
or email: Museums@placer.ca.gov for more information.

 Placer County Historical Society  

Dinner Meeting

When: Thursday, October 3, 2024
Meeting at 6:00, Dinner at 6:15, Speaker Alfred Corral at 6:45 

Topic: An overview of the history of Rocklin
Location: Veterans Memorial Hall
100 East Street, Auburn, CA

Dinner cost: $30.00.
Speaker presentation: Free

Please RSVP to rsvp.pchs@gmail.com 

Please go to www.placercountyhistoricalsociety.org for more information

Placer County Historical Organizations

Colfax Area Historical Society 
Jay McIntyre, President, (530) 346-8599

Donner Summit Historical Society
Bill Oudegeest, (209) 606-6859

Foresthill Divide Historical Society
Annie DeMaria-Norris (916) 206-4479

Fruitvale School Hall 
Community Association 
Mark Fowler

Golden Drift Historical Society
Sarah Fugate, (530) 389-2121

Historical Advisory Board
Glenn Vineyard, (916) 747-1961

Joss House Museum and 
Chinese History Center
Larry Finney, (530) 305-9380

Lincoln Area Archives Museum
Elizabeth Jansen, (916) 645-3800

Lincoln Highway Association 
Trey Pitsenberger

Loomis Basin Historical Society
Karen Clifford, (916) 663-3871

Maidu Museum & Historic Site
Kaitlin Kincade, (916) 774-5934

The Museum of Sierra Ski History and 1960 Winter Olympics 
David C. Antonucci, (775) 722-3502 

Native Sons of the Golden West 
Parlor #59
Dave Allen, (530) 878-2878 dsallen59@sbcglobal.net

Newcastle Portuguese Hall 
Mario Farinha, (530) 269-2412 

North Lake Tahoe Historical Society
Phil Sexton, (530) 583-1762

Placer County Genealogical Society 
Diane Fishburn

Placer County Historical Society
April McDonald-Loomis
(530) 823-2128

Placer County Museums Docent Guild
Craig Norris

Placer Sierra Railroad Heritage Society  
Chuck Spinks

Rocklin Historical Society
Gloria Beverage (916) 799-7783

Roseville Historical Society
Denise Fiddyment, (916) 773-3003


Please confirm all meeting times and locations with each organization

Foresthill Divide Historical Society Meeting: Monday, September 16th at 6:00 p.m.
Golden Drift Historical Society Meeting:           Monday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m.
Historical Advisory Board Meeting:          Wednesday, October 15th at 5:30 p.m.
Loomis Basin Historical Society Meeting: Wednesday, September 18th at 6:00 p.m. 
Placer County Historical Society Meeting: Thursday, September  5tha t 2:00 p.m.
Placer Sierra Railroad Heritage Society: Tuesday, September 24th at 7:00 p.m.
Rocklin Historical Society Meeting:             Tuesday, September  10th at  6:30 p.m.
Roseville Historical Society Meeting: Tuesday, September 10th at 4:00 p.m. 



Thursday, June 27, 2024

July- August 2024

 Administrator’s Notes

by Ralph Gibson, Museums Administrator

Summer is finally here, and Heritage Trail 2024 is underway! Like most years, some museums have had less attendance and some more. But one thing that started last year that seems to have grown this year are the number of patrons who visit museums on their regular day of operation and not necessarily their Heritage Trail Day to get their cards stamped. The first week of Heritage Trail, we got our first cards turned in and the flow of fully stamped cards has not stopped. At the Griffith Quarry Museum last weekend, I received 12 fully stamped cards!
This weekend on the Heritage Trail (June 29th) we will be in Auburn at the Chinese Joss House; the Western States Trail Museum; the new Auburn Journal Newspaper Museum and the Placer County Museum in the historic Courthouse. If you have time, please come by and check out these great museums! One thing to note is that the Sierra College Natural History Museum, which had been scheduled to have their Heritage Trail Day on July 6th, had to postpone to September 7th.
For a full and updated schedule for this summer’s Heritage Trail, please visit: www.placer.ca.gov/heritagetrail. I hope to see you all somewhere on the Heritage Trail this summer!

A new exhibit at the historic courthouse in Auburn showcases women's capes from the Placer County Museums collection. 

New Donation Highlight

by Kasia Woroniecka , Curator of Collections

This colorful Double Wedding Ring quilt was made by Cora Naramore for her granddaughter Rowena Naramore. Though the pattern was first published in the United States in the early 1920s, the quilt pattern can be found as early as the late 19th Century.  

It is through donations like these that we can continue to bring history to life for our visitors. If you have items with Placer County history that you are interested in donating, please contact the Curator of Collections, Kasia Woroniecka (kworonie@placer.ca.gov) or the Curator of Archives, Kelsey Monahan (kmonahan@placer.ca.gov) to find out how. 

This quilt and other never-before-displayed artifacts are currently on display at the Bernhard Museum in Auburn. Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 1:00 - 4:00, Saturday-Sunday 11:00 - 4:00. Closed holidays. Address: 291 Auburn Folsom Road, Auburn.

Plan your visit today!

Hope in Weimar: Vietnamese Refugees in Placer County

by Kelsey Monahan, Curator of Archives

 In the wake of the tumultuous events of the 1970s, a small corner of Placer County became a sanctuary for refugees fleeing Southeast Asia. Following the collapse of their governments in April 1975, over 140,000 people from Cambodia and South Vietnam sought refuge under the Indochina Refugee Program. Camp Pendleton in San Diego, along with other temporary camps across the country, provided initial shelter to tens of thousands of displaced individuals.

In May 1975 Food for the Hungry, a non-profit organization, sponsored 500 refugees from Camp Pendleton, aiming to assist their resettlement in the United States. They searched for a suitable facility to house them and set their sights on the Weimar Medical Center in Placer County, an unused former tuberculosis hospital built in 1919. Following lobbying efforts with the Weimar Medical Center’s Central Hospital Committee and the Placer County Board of Supervisors, a short-term lease was approved on May 16, 1975, despite plans for the hospital property's sale later that year.

In early June, the first refugee families arrived from Camp Pendleton to the newly named "Weimar Hope Village." The official opening on June 18, 1975, was attended by guests such as Ruth Graham (wife of the Reverend Billy Graham), actress and activist Tippi Hedren, exiled South Vietnamese actress Kieu Chinh, and former South Vietnam Premier Nguyen Cao Ky. At Weimar Hope Village, Food for the Hungry organized English classes, vocational training, and provided educational opportunities for children who attended local schools and music classes. 

Tippi Hedren and Weimar Hope Village Residents, circa 1975. Weimar Collection, Placer County Museums.

While conditions at Weimar Hope Village were an improvement over the temporary shelters of Camp Pendleton, it was a significant adjustment for refugees who had left behind their homes and lives. Nguyen Thi Thai, a resident, reflected in the Sacramento Bee, "It is sad; it is a great disruption, but there was nothing else we could have done. Our lives in Saigon were over whether we stayed or not. Coming here at least gives us a chance for a new life, but it is a huge change… And we all have to find a place for ourselves in this new homeland of ours."

Many families eventually resettled beyond Placer County, but some chose to remain. Former Vietnamese General Nyugen Van Chuc, for instance, purchased the Penn-Sierra Tire and Service Station in Loomis. Joseph Nguyen Huong, who had served in the Vietnamese Air Force, became "Father Joe" after connecting with the Sacramento Catholic diocese. After his ordination he served at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Churches of Auburn and Lincoln.

Food for the Hungry secured two lease extensions for Weimar Hope Village in September and October of 1975. However, by the end of October, the Hospital Central Committee was eager to finalize the sale of the facilities. On October 31, 1975, Weimar Hope Village closed its doors after aiding over 800 refugees in resettling across California and the United States. 

In December 1975, the Weimar Medical Center Central Hospital Committee sold the former hospital grounds to a developer, with proceeds divided among the 15 counties. The property was sold in 1977 to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, which remains its owner to this day. 

 Attention Researchers and History Enthusiasts!

Our Digital Collections site, Preservica, will be down starting July 1, 2024, while we switch to a new provider. The change is aimed at improving access and we will be working hard behind the scenes to be back up and running soon. Please contact me, Curator of Archives Kelsey Monahan, at kmonahan@placer.ca.gov if you need any documents during this time. Thank you for your patience and ongoing support!


The Tevis Cup

by Christina Richter, Museums Administrative Clerk

Riders will begin the 68th annual Tevis Cup on July 20, at 5:15am, at Robie Equestrian Park in Truckee. Under the light of a full moon, around 150 horseback riders will endeavor to complete the challenge of the 100-miles of the Western States Trail through the rugged Sierra Nevada in under 24 hours. Those who finish the journey on time, and “whose mount is judged fit to continue” will be awarded the coveted Tevis Cup completion award buckle. 

 However, it is a “ride” and not a “race” as this distinction was made clear by the event’s creator, Wendell Robie. Robie began the tradition in 1955 with himself, and four other riders, tackling the 100 miles of the Western States Trail with the aim to finish within 24 hours. The endeavor was thought foolhardy by most, but Robie was not a man to be deterred. Four of the five were successful and thus began the Western States Trail ride tradition, which would be named the “Tevis Cup.”

Hal Hall, 32-time Tevis completion buckle winner, states “While the surrounding mountains through the Sierra Nevada and along the Western States Trail is beautiful, wild and scenic; the Tevis Cup Ride 100-mile event route is relentless in its challenge and unforgiving to the ill-prepared.” 
Best of luck to all those riders on the trail this summer!

Tevis Cup riders, 1981. Kurt Markus, Wendell Robie, Marion Robie Arnold and two unidentified riders.  Placer County Museums.

Docent Spotlight

Katy Bartosh, Curator of Education

Lynne Lyndon has been a docent at Placer County Museums for 13 years! This is what she had to say when I reached out about her docent experience: “While enjoying the luxury of retirement, I wanted to do something community oriented.  Already interested in history, becoming a docent seemed a natural fit for me.  I enjoy meeting out of town visitors and sharing our local history and the importance of the Gold Rush in the opening of California.  It is especially fun to share our history with locals who drive by every day and finally stop to see what is inside our museums.  My love of old things extends to life away from museums.  My husband, Wayne, and I enjoy old cars too, and take country drives with two vintage car clubs.  We live on acreage so much of our free time is spent doing chores and enjoying foothill living.” 


                                                                 Lynne Lyndon

Rocklin Historical Society

By Linda Wampler, Quarry Quarterly Editor

The Rocklin Historical Society's newest exhibit, "Her Story: Women Who Impacted Rocklin’s Early History," is now open at the History Museum.

Explore the inspiring stories of women who served in the Armed Forces, owned businesses, and held public office, including Rocklin's first woman mayor and a Justice of the Peace. Learn about the first librarian, a telegraph operator, and women who served as aircraft spotters during WWII. Discover the incredible tales of the women who managed the ranches.

Admission is free. The museum, located at the corner of San Francisco Street and Rocklin Road, is open Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Group tours may be arranged by contacting the society at rocklinhistorical@gmail.com.

SNOW Museum

By Eddy Ancinas

Good news form the future SNOW Museum: after 15 years of community outreach and planning, the Placer County Board of Supervisors has unanimously endorsed the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the SNOW (Sierra Nevada Olympic Wintersports) Museum in Olympic Valley Park.

Watch Our Award-Winning Video: Learn why a museum of Sierra Snow Sports is essential, why our history is unique, and what's next. Watch here: https://youtu.be/Me31u9Y-1F0 

Visit Our Interim Location: Until the new museum opens, explore artifacts and memorabilia from the 1960 Olympics and learn about Sierra ski pioneers at our current location in the Boatworks Mall, Tahoe City.

Host Your Event: With a large conference table and nearby restaurants, our interim location is perfect for meetings and social gatherings. For more information or to schedule an event, contact info@thesnowmuseum.org.

Placer County Historical Society

Please join us for a book signing event:
Egbert, Sisson, Wallace and Crocker.  Merchants, Lumbermen and Chinese Railroad Labor Contractors by John Knox
Auburn Images Volume Two by April McDonald-Loomis
Saturday, June 29th,  1:00 to 3:00 
Placer County Visitors Bureau & California Welcome Center, 1103 High Street, Auburn 

The next Placer County Historical Society Dinner meeting will take place on October 3rd.
Please stay tuned for more updates as the event nears.
Please visit our website: www.placercountyhistoricalsociety.org.

 Placer County Historical Organizations

 Colfax Area Historical Society 

Jay McIntyre, President, (530) 346-8599


Donner Summit Historical Society

Bill Oudegeest, (209) 606-6859


Foresthill Divide Historical Society

Annie DeMaria-Norris (916) 206-4479 foresthillhistory.org

Fruitvale School Hall 

Community Association 

Mark Fowler

Golden Drift Historical Society

Sarah Fugate, (530) 389-2121

Historical Advisory Board

Glenn Vineyard, (916) 747-1961

Joss House Museum and 

Chinese History Center

Larry Finney, (530) 305-9380

Lincoln Area Archives Museum

Elizabeth Jansen, (916) 645-3800


Lincoln Highway Association 

Trey Pitsenberger


Loomis Basin Historical Society

Karen Clifford, (916) 663-3871


Maidu Museum & Historic Site

Kaitlin Kincade, (916) 774-5934


The Museum of Sierra Ski History and 1960 Winter Olympics 

David C. Antonucci, (775) 722-3502 


Native Sons of the Golden West 

Parlor #59

Dave Allen, (530) 878-2878 dsallen59@sbcglobal.net

Newcastle Portuguese Hall 


Mario Farinha, (530) 269-2412 

North Lake Tahoe Historical Society

Phil Sexton, (530) 583-1762


Placer County Genealogical Society 

Diane Fishburn


Placer County Historical Society

April McDonald-Loomis

(530) 823-2128


Placer County Museums Docent Guild

Craig Norris

Placer Sierra Railroad Heritage Society  

Chuck Spinks


Rocklin Historical Society

Gloria Beverage (916) 799-7783


Roseville Historical Society

Denise Fiddyment, (916) 773-3003



Please confirm all meeting times and locations with each organization

Foresthill Divide Historical Society Meeting: Monday, July 15th at 6:00 p.m.
Golden Drift Historical Society Meeting: Monday, August 5th at 7:00 p.m.
Historical Advisory Board Meeting: Wednesday, August 21st at 5:30 p.m.
Loomis Basin Historical Society Meeting: Wednesday, July 17th at 6:00 p.m. 
Placer County Historical Society Meeting:         No meeting until October
Placer Sierra Railroad Heritage Society: Tuesday, July 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
Rocklin Historical Society Meeting: Tuesday, July 9th at  6:30 p.m.
Roseville Historical Society Meeting: Tuesday, July 9th at 4:00 p.m.